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以最具指標意義的日本為例,外國人在日本置產向來就以「投資兼度假」為最大宗,當政府在去年底開始放寬入境限制時,就已經有眾多買家不遠千里去日本看房,尤其是新加坡、台灣和香港的投資客,今年則有更多的西方買家回流,最受歡迎的置產地點是二世谷、沖繩、京都、輕井澤、白馬和伊豆等觀光勝地。 繼續閱讀
International Property Buyers Seek Luxury in Asia
Taking Japan as a typical example, foreign property buyers have traditionally viewed it as an investment and vacation destination. When the Japanese government began lifting entry restrictions at the end of last year, numerous buyers, especially investors from Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, traveled thousands of miles to visit properties in Japan. This year, there has been a resurgence of Western buyers as well. Popular locations for property investment include Niseko, Okinawa, Kyoto, Karuizawa, Hakuba, and Izu, which are renowned tourist destinations in Japan. full article
成立於江戶時代、距今已有 300 多年歷史的白井屋旅館( Shiroiya Hotel )隨著白井屋所在地前橋市的絲綢業沒落,曾經繁華一時的白井屋也隨之走入時代的記憶,在 2014 年被納入前橋市活化再生計畫,化身為城市帶來自然生機的創新旅館建築。白井屋旅館( Shiroiya Hotel )在過去曾是許多達官顯要、文人、藝術家最愛的聚會處,正式在 2008 年歇業。原本面臨拆除命運的白井屋,很幸運的並且由著名建築師藤本壯介( Sou Fujimoto )負責旅館的再造設計。 了解更多
Shiroiya Hotel, established during the Edo period over 300 years ago, had witnessed the decline of the silk industry in Maebashi City, its place of origin. It was a favorite gathering place for dignitaries, scholars, and artists in the past, and officially closed its doors in 2008. Fortunately, it was saved from demolition and entrusted to the renowned architect Sou Fujimoto for its revitalization design, infusing new vitality into the urban landscape. more
源自古老挪威文的 Hygge 一詞,意指「身心安適」,後來這個詞傳入丹麥後,又衍生出融合快樂、自在、溫暖、舒適的親密感,以及日常的平凡幸福等意思。隨著北歐各國幸福生活指數高居全球,強調簡約、身心一體,並且與自然相融的 Hygge 風格,也因而成為風靡全球的幸福生活密碼。為了將 Hygge 幸福生活模式,帶入日本山林裡,丹麥著名戶外用品品牌 Nordisk 與日本三重縣員辨市,特別簽署了一項區域振興協議,計畫以 Hygge Circles Ugakei by Nordisk 永續園區,來促進當地的旅遊發展,以與自然融為一體的 Hygge 體驗,來創造山林裡的幸福永續。了解更多
Hygge, originating from ancient Norwegian, refers to a state of physical and emotional well-being.With the Nordic countries leading global happiness indexes, the Hygge lifestyle, emphasizing simplicity, holistic well-being, and harmony with nature, has become a global trend.To bring Hygge to the Japanese mountains, Danish outdoor brand Nordisk and Inabe City in Mie Prefecture have signed an agreement to create the sustainable park Hygge Circles Ugakei by Nordisk, promoting local tourism and cultivating a sense of lasting happiness in nature. more
池內啟人(Ikeuchi Hiroto)是個標準的九零後,童年時期與一般日本小孩一樣是個鋼彈迷,長大後他將崇拜結合設計,在大學畢業時即發表了利用電腦主機零件結合塑料的立體模型,這不只是一件學生作品,在當時就獲頒第 17 屆日本媒體藝術節娛樂部門優秀獎,成為設計圈的話題新星。了解更多
Ikeuchi Hiroto, a typical post-90s individual, was a Gundam enthusiast during his childhood. Combining his admiration with design skills, he created a three-dimensional model using computer hardware components and plastic. This project gained recognition and received the Excellence Award in the Entertainment category at the 17th Japan Media Arts Festival, propelling him as a rising star in the design industry. more
蔡吉政 Freeman
Forever Young
Surrounded by greenery, the development features private outdoor and indoor pools, and zen style decoration with security and concierge services from The Lalu hotel.
李建國 James
清水模五樓式建築風格,低調內斂住戶單純。 鄰近新北投捷運站、萬坪溫泉公園環抱,名人雅士薈聚的行館。
Exquisite Residence
Elegantly designed in the raw concrete 5th Floor-style, this residence offers a refined and tranquil ambiance, conveniently located near Xinbeitou MRT Station.
吳英才 Bill
內湖 民權敦品 高樓美景 樓中樓
內湖民權東路上,近學校、市場、醫院生活機能佳,交通便捷。近上下灣公園綠地,帶狀公園具運動機能與生活休閒。棟距遠、高樓層、視野佳,24 小時管理,一層兩戶私密性佳。
Neihu Minquan Dunpin Duplex
Located near schools and hospitals, the residence offers 24 hrs security and privacy with two units per floor.
日本京都四季酒店住宅圍繞著一個擁有 800 年曆史的池庭花園而建,與私密且現代的環境完美的融合在一起,可供您體驗京都歷史悠久的東山區的生活精髓。
這間豪華的住宅套房為那些尋求靈活性和私密性的業主提供了完美的休憩之所。最大限度地發揮日本傳統藝術 Kutsurogi、房間內部包括私人廚房等便利的配套設施。了解更多
Four Seasons Hotel And Hotel Residences Kyoto
Built around an 800-year old ikeniwa garden pond, the intimate and contemporary surroundings of Four Seasons Kyoto blend seamlessly together to capture the essence of life in the historic Higashiyama area of Kyoto.
This luxury Residential Suites provide the perfect retreat for those seeking flexibility and privacy with all the trappings of home. Designed to maximize Kutsurogi, the Japanese art of relaxation, private kitchens and amenities make for easy entertaining. more
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