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作者 / Andy Chen
依據當地官方觀光資訊指出,北海道二世古地區在近三十年才擁有國際知名度,二世古也是經過一段漫長時間的演變,才成為如今的滑雪勝地。 繼續閱讀
  Niseko, Japan
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
Official tourism information reveals that Niseko has enjoyed international fame only in the last 30 years and has evolved over a long period to become the ski resort it is today. full article
台北市房地產 市場月報 2022/11
美國8月消費者物價指數(CPI)漲勢並未明顯趨緩,年增率達8.3%,高於預估的8.1%,低於7月時的8.5%升幅。且核心CPI升幅擴大,顯示通膨壓力迄未減輕,而且「廣泛性」與「黏著性」皆強,聯準會(Fed)9月會議升息3碼幾成定局,且將維持激進升息步調。由於美國通膨趨緩幅度未如市場預期,美國與歐洲股市重挫、美債、油價及金價均走疲。 繼續閱讀
At the foot of Mount Niseko Annupuri, the fully integrated Niseko offers breathtaking views of Mount Yotei, ski-in/ski-out accommodations, accessible ski runs and lifts, spas, onsen, restaurants, and après ski opportunities for everyone. Take on a gastronomic journey in and around the area, starting in Niseko, Japan's top ski resorts, and uncover a treasure trove of culinary pleasures. Here, snowfall from December 1 to May 1 averages an astounding 18 metres every year. This location's champagne powder is well-known worldwide. One of the driest and lightest snow covers in the world may be found at Niseko thanks to an interaction between Siberian winds and moisture from the Sea of Japan.
您可以在北海道中部的二世古小鎮享用最好的手工乳酪,這裡以其眾所周知的滑雪勝地而聞名。二世古乳酪工廠是使用歐洲乳酪製造技術所建立的,第二代店主 Yuki Kondo 在海外花了一段時間精進他的美食技藝。該工廠的藍紋乳酪在2016、2018年的日本乳酪大賞上贏得了第一名。此外,工廠內還有一家餐廳,您可以在那裡放鬆身心,品嚐各式乳酪,欣賞二世古和周圍羊蹄山的壯麗景色。了解更多
  Niseko Cheese Factory
You can feast on the finest handmade cheese in Niseko, a town in central Hokkaido that is famous for its well-known ski resorts. The Niseko Cheese Factory was established using European cheese-making techniques, and the second generation owner, Yuki Kondo, spent time abroad perfecting his culinary skills. The factory's Blue Cheese won first place at the Japan Cheese Awards in both 2016 and 2018. Additionally, there is a cafe within the factory where you can relax, snack on a variety of cheeses, and enjoy the magnificent views of Niseko and the neighboring Mount Yotei. more
在北非的大型動物園裡經常可以見到鴕鳥,但二世古卻擁有一個鴕鳥農場,遊客能夠近距離觀察這些鳥類。在二世古鴕鳥農場,遊客有機會看到60多隻鴕鳥在羊蹄山為背景之下自由漫步。當地居民也將此處票選為二世古的頂級景點之一。遊客可以餵食鴕鳥,和這種獨特的生物做更進一步的互動。成人和孩童都會感到這是一個令人驚奇的體驗。 了解更多
  Niseko No.2 Arishima Ostrich Farm
Ostriches are often seen in enormous zoos in North Africa, but Niseko has an ostrich farm where visitors can observe these birds up close. At the Niseko Ostrich Farm, guests may see more than 60 ostriches roam freely with Mount Yotei in the background. Local residents have also voted this place as one of Niseko's top view spots. Visitors may feed ostriches for further interaction with the wonderful creatures. Both adults and young children will find it to be an eye-opening experience. more
還在尋找二世古除了滑雪或滑雪板以外的其他活動嗎?騎乘您自己的雪地摩托車,在著名的粉雪之上進行雪地摩托車之旅。參加一場二世古雪地摩托車之旅,經驗豐富的導遊將帶您穿越濃密的森林,越過冰凍的草原,並欣賞這個區域最令人屏息的二世古山脈及其以外地方的景觀。遊客可以從一系列行程中選擇單獨或雙人一同乘坐雪地摩托車。對於想要體驗更快速雪地摩托車的遊客,還有高檔車型可供選擇。 了解更多
  Snowmobile Tour
Looking for activities in Niseko besides skiing or snowboarding? Take a snowmobiling journey over the legendary powder snow of Niseko on your very own snowmobile. Join one of the Niseko snowmobile trips, and the experienced guides will lead you through luscious forests, through frozen meadows, and to some of the region's most breathtaking views of the Niseko range and beyond. Visitors may choose from a selection of itineraries and ride snowmobiles individually or in pairs. For individuals who want a faster snowmobile, there are also premium models available. more
在二世古騎馬是一項充滿樂趣且令人興奮的活動,可在一年當中的大多數月份享受其樂趣。體驗在羊蹄山麓騎乘馬匹。您將受到友善且訓練良好地馬匹們的歡迎。也歡迎那些從未騎過馬的人加入旅程,對於那些喜愛動物並身處二世古的人來說,這是一個理想的活動!騎馬時的風景絕佳,尤其是在春季和夏季。您可以在冬季時沿著美麗的積雪小徑騎馬而行,在夏季時欣賞草浪起伏的牧場美景。 了解更多
  Winter Horse Riding
Horse riding is a fun and exciting activity in Niseko that can be enjoyed most months of the year. Experience horseback riding at the base of Mount Yotei. You will be greeted by friendly and well-trained horses. Those who have never ridden a horse before are welcome to join the journey. For those who love animals and are in Niseko, this is the ideal activity! The scenery is spectacular when riding a horse, especially in the spring and summer. You may ride along beautiful snowy trails in the winter and enjoy views of rolling pastures in the summer. more
劉恆碩 Jason
Villa Vert
Surrounded by mountains, the villa has new and elegant decoration, a large courtyard, private garage, and 24-hour management.
呂東洋 Bob
Renai Forest Tower
Facing Renai Road, you can experience the changing seasons of the sea of trees. The apartment has excellent ventilation, good layout and amazing views.
張國斌 Mike
Tongshan Residence
The residence is located in Tongshan with an outdoor swimming pool in the courtyard. The apartment has good lighting and a low common facilities ratio.
  New World La Plume Niseko Resort
The New World La Plume Niseko Resort is located between Mount Niseko Yotei and Mount Annupuri. The ski resort complex is located in a prime location surrounded by restaurants, boutique shops, and vacation facilities. The property is adjacent to the Niseko Hilton Resort, Higashiyama Niseko Village: a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, and other 4 and 5 star hotels which will be completed to welcome the 2030 Winter Olympics. The La Plume Niseko Resort covers an area of ​​about 11,195.8 ping surrounded by snowy forests. There are bars and restaurants within the resort, as well as a 25-meter sky swimming pool, a spa, a gym and hot spring baths. 80% of the apartments in the development are equipped with their own private onsen. Here at La Plume Niseko, you can enjoy beautiful scenic views and exclusive luxury services.
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
寶石的獨特色彩和設計線條,更營造出截然不同的敘事氛圍,在聚光燈的照射下,交織出一齣又一齣生動璀璨的風格故事。 全文閱讀
  In The Spotlight Glamour
The unique colors and designs of the gemstones create a very different atmosphere, and under the spotlight, a vivid and sparkling story is told. full article
來自英國的設計師Paul Cocksedge,讓「光」有了超乎想像的美好視野,他的設計作品簡約自然,卻又打破素材與科技的界線,達到藝術與實用價值並重的境界。 全文閱讀
  Paul Cocksedge
Paul Cocksedge, a designer from England, has given "light" a beautiful vision. His design works are simple yet breaking the boundary between objects and technology. full article
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