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作者 / Andy Chen
倫敦是多元化的大都市,為世界上最重要的政治、經濟、文化和藝術中心,也是最大的金融和貿易中心之一。 繼續閱讀
  London, United Kingdom
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
London is a diverse metropolis, and an important political, economic, cultural, and arts center in the world. The city is also a major economic and trade center. The city stands out from the many international cities around the world due to many reasons. full article
2022 Q3 房產市場概要
統計資料顯示,台北市中心2023年將有七大指標辦公大樓陸續完工,總計面積約有7.4萬坪,是近十年來供給量最大。 繼續閱讀
2022 Q3 Property Market Overview
According to the statistics, seven major office buildings will be completed in the center of Taipei in 2023. The total area will be 74 thousand ping, which will be the largest increase in supply in the last decade. full report
Soho is a neighborhood of the City of Westminster, which is a part of London's West End. It was formerly a posh area for the aristocracy, but since the 19th century, it has become one of the primary areas for entertainment in the city. Soho is home to several top-notch theaters as well as a fantastic selection of cafés, restaurants, pubs, bars, and clubs. For those who enjoy shopping, Soho is the best starting point for a tour of the most renowned department stores in the world, including Liberty and Selfridges. It also has the highest concentration of boutique retailers in London. Chinatown, with its variety of tasty and affordable eateries, is located in the southern part of the neighborhood. Closer to the Thames, Chinatown's narrow and lantern-lit lanes flow out to the expansive hub of glamorous Leicester Square.
從牛津街和皮卡迪利廣場步行不遠處就是色彩繽紛的卡納比街。卡納比街是60年代倫敦的搖擺舞發源地。這個地區獨立零售商、酒吧遍佈,拐角處還有美食聚集地 Kingly Court。在卡納比街購物是在倫敦獨一無二的體驗。為慶祝其第 25周年消費聚集活動,Carnaby 將再現其一直以來最受歡迎的“ Carnaby Celebrates ”聖誕燈飾。今年,你會看到閃閃發光的滾石樂團的舌頭、棕櫚樹、行星和照亮夜空的大雪人。
  Carnaby Street
Just a short walk away from Oxford Street and Picadilly Circus is the colourful respite of Carnaby Street. Carnaby Street is the birthplace of the Swinging London of the 60’s. The area is filled with independent retailers, bars, and culinary highlights of Kingly Court around the corner. Shopping in Carnaby can be a unique experience in London. In celebration of its 25th year of delighting frenzied consumers, Carnaby is bringing back some of its all-time favorite "Carnaby Celebrates" Christmas lights. This year, you will see sparkling Rolling Stones tongues, palm trees, planets, and a big snowman lighting up the night sky.
位於特拉法加廣場北側的國家美術館,是世界參觀人數第四多的美術館,並且是免費參觀的。館藏包含透納、莫內、霍爾拜因和梵谷等藝術家從13世紀到20世紀初的傑作。作為國家瑰寶的這座美術館,是文化、教育和視覺藝術的中心。國家美術館免費提供多元的特展和公共項目,且全年開放361天。 了解更多
  National Gallery of Art
The National Gallery of Art, which is located on the north side of Trafalgar Square and is the fourth most visited art museum in the world and is free to visit. There are masterpieces from the 13th century to early 20th century within the gallery by artists including Turner, Monet, Holbein, and Van Gogh. The gallery was founded as a gift to the nation and serves as a center of culture, education, and visual art. The National Gallery of Art offers a full spectrum of special exhibitions and public programs free of charge and is open 361 days a year. more
海德公園冬季仙境擁有一個大型溜冰場、兩個馬戲團、一個摩天輪、神奇的冰雪王國和為成人設計的主題酒吧,以及多元化的聖誕活動。將於2022年迎來第十五屆年度最受歡迎的盛典。對於任何想要享受節日氣氛的人來說,海德公園冬季仙境是最適合不過了。馬戲團和英國最大的戶外溜冰場被維多利亞時代的演奏台包圍,擁有超過100,000盞燈,是海德公園一年一度的節日盛會的亮點之一。此外,還有真正的冰滑梯、冰雕工作室和擁有現場音樂和綿密氣泡啤酒的德式巴伐利亞村莊。 了解更多
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland
With a large ice rink, two circuses, an observation wheel, the Magical Ice Kingdom, and themed bars for the adults, there are plenty of Christmas activities at the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. The annual favorite will return in 2022 for its fifteenth year. For anyone looking to get into the holiday spirit, Hyde Park Winter Wonderland is the perfect place. Circuses and the largest outdoor skating rink in the UK, which is surrounded by the Victorian bandstand and has more than 100,000 lights, are among the highlights of Hyde Park's annual holiday extravaganza. Additionally, there is also the Real Ice Slide, an ice sculpture studio, and a German-style Bavarian Village with live music and frothing beer steins. more
Date: 18th NOV, 2022 - 2nd JAN, 2023
Venue: Hyde Park, London
在邱園參加聖誕節,這是在園內觀賞冬季步道神奇魅力的絕佳機會。參加夜間的活動,其中包括晚上在美麗的花園中漫步,在前往棕櫚屋燈光秀的路上,您會看到燈光隧道、彩色樹木、水邊倒影等等。享受與聖誕老人會面的歡樂聖誕體驗,火花園的耀眼火焰,季節性的節慶音樂和美味的街頭美食。 了解更多
Christmas at Kew
Join Christmas at Kew Gardens, one of the greatest opportunities to see the magic of the winter trail inside the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew. Take part in the after-dark activities, which include a stroll through the lovely gardens at night where you will see tunnels of lights, coloured trees, waterside reflections, and many more as you make your way to the Palm House light show. Enjoy meeting Santa Claus for a joyous Christmas experience, the dazzling flames of the Fire Garden, the seasonal festive music and the delicious street cuisine on the trail. more
Date: 17th NOV, 2022 - 8th JAN, 2023
Venue: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
蔡吉政 Freeman
Forever Young
Surrounded by greenery, the development features private outdoor and indoor pools, and zen style decoration with security and concierge services from The Lalu hotel.
郭宜菁 Evelyn
Paradeisos Pensili
Guo Xuyuan's architectural work is located in the core of Zhuke. Walking home in the neighborhood is as if strolling in a quiet forest. Light rail is accessible nearby.
吳英才 Bill
大直宜華 西華富邦 B1
The Sherwood Residence
Built by Yihua International Dazhi Hotel Development, the Sherwood Residence is the tallest serviced apartment development in Taipei.
TCRW Soho 位於傲視倫敦一區的優質核心地段,緊鄰柯芬花園、西區劇院區、中國城和蘇活區。從住處下樓即可搭乘全新開通的”伊莉莎白線”,僅需2分鐘抵達高端購物精華區 Bond Street 邦德街,Crossrail 橫貫鐵路交通線直達金絲雀碼頭商務區及希斯羅機場。建案周邊美食雲集,步行6分鐘至 Broadwick 享受道地酒館美食,或是坐上黑色禮車至 Dorchester 的 Alain Ducasse 餐廳品嚐米其林星級美味,滿足最挑剔的味蕾。距離英國國際二級保護建築 Dominion Theatre 達米尼恩歌劇院步行5分鐘,與國際藝術舞台僅一步之遙。TCRW Soho 建案共92戶,房型包含套房,1-3房及頂層公寓,室內設計由 Nicola Fontanellas 及 Argent Design 攜手匠心打造英倫時尚風格。 了解更多
  TCRW Soho
TCRW Soho is located in the heart of London's premier borough, close to Covent Garden, the West End theatre district, Chinatown and Soho. The new Elizabeth line is just 2 minutes from the residence and a direct rail link to Canary Wharf and Heathrow Airport. In addition, TCRW is just 15 minutes away from the high-end shopping district. The development is surrounded by a wide range of dining options, from a 6-minute walk to Broadwick for an authentic pub experience, to Alain Ducasse in Dorchester for Michelin-starred delights. The Dominion Theatre is a Grade II listed art deco theatre in the heart of London and is only a 5-minute walk from the development. TCRW Soho is a 92-unit development with 1-3 bedroom and penthouse flats designed by Nicola Fontanellas and Argent Design. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
由 LV 和法國米其林名廚 Mory Sacko 一同合作打造的 Mory Sacko at Louis Vuitton,除了是 LV 所開設的第一間餐廳,同時也是南法蔚藍海岸前延續 LV 旅行精神的新打卡據點。 全文閱讀
  Mory Sacko at Louis Vuitton
A collaboration between LV and French Michelin chef, Mory Sacko at Louis Vuitton is a new restaurant and destination to continue LV's travel spirit in Côte d'Azur. full article
復刻911 經典老蛙
Porsche 911 不僅累積了數代人共同的熱情與夢想,也創造出不退流行的古典時尚。 全文閱讀
  The All New Retro 911
The Porsche 911 has not only accumulated the passions and dreams of generations, it has also created a timeless classic that will not go out of fashion. full article
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