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作者 / 陳堯銘
北海道佔日本面積的22%,有著日本屈指可數的大城市『札幌』,人口是全國第八位超過500萬人。曾被 CNN 評為日本最美風景之一的小樽雪燈之路最熱鬧的札幌冰雪節,冬天的北海道是很令人嚮往的銀白世界。 繼續閱讀
  Hokkaido, Japan
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
Hokkaido accounts for 22% of Japan's landmass and is home to Sapporo, one of Japan's largest cities. It has a population of over 5 million, making it the eighth most populous city in Japan. The city also hosts the Otaru Snow Light Path, which was highlighted by CNN as one of Japan's most beautiful landscapes. During the busy Sapporo Snow Festival, Hokkaido turns into a winter wonderland. full article
2022 Q2 房產市場概要
自2020年以來,四度調整選擇性信用管制措施,實施至今,不動產貸款集中度已趨於穩定,這將有助銀行授信風險控管。 繼續閱讀
2022 Q2 Property Market Overview
Since 2020, four rounds of selective credit control measures have been implemented and currently the concentration of real estate loans has stabilized, which will help banks in controlling credit risk.
full report
There are many leading ski resorts in Hokkaido, but Niseko is without a doubt the king of the powder slopes. Along the eastern side of the mountain, Niseko Annupuri, there are four linked resorts with more than 2000 acres of skiable terrain. With an annual average snowfall of more than 50 feet, Niseko is extremely popular amongst skiers from throughout the world. Niseko is best known as Japan’s powder playground, but you don’t need to be a winter sports enthusiast to enjoy the charms of this beautiful region located in the mountainous north of Hokkaido. Niseko is not only blessed with stunning mountains, the alpine scenery makes a sensational backdrop for all kinds of summer activities from hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, to hot air ballooning. Many foreigners own second homes here – resulting in a diverse dining and nightlife scene.
小川原脩紀念美術館是為了紀念當地藝術家『小川原脩』,他大部分的職業生涯都在廣闊的二世谷地區創作。這裡展出的獨特印象派藝術品,是他多次前往西藏和印度旅行的成果。該美術館於1991年首次亮相,其建築主要以「與周圍環境融為一體」為設計宗旨。您也可以從美術館的窗戶一覽羊蹄山的美麗景致。 了解更多
  Shu Ogawara Art Museum
The Shu Ogawara Art Museum pays tribute to Ogawara, a local artist who spent the most of his career working in the greater Niseko region. The distinctive impressionistic artwork on display is a result of his many excursions to Tibet and India. The museum debuted in 1991, and its architecture was designed to blend in with the surroundings. Breath-taking views of Mount Yotei can also be seen from the windows of the museum. more
位於二世谷村自然活動中心的「PURE」非常適合擁有不同興趣的遊客,這裡也是在溫暖夏季中體驗北海道的最佳方式。PURE 是在二世谷村內的戶外休閒設施,您可以從包含纜車、高空鋼索、山地自行車、垂直降落、滑軌、樹間漫步、騎馬和熱氣球等各式各樣的活動中做選擇。它只在四月下旬至十月上旬的夏季營業,家族旅遊的遊客們可以在這裡度過快樂的一天。 了解更多
  PURE at Niseko Village
PURE at Niseko Village nature activity center is perfect for diverse interests and the best way to experience Hokkaido during the warmer summer months. PURE is an outdoor leisure facility in Niseko Village. You may pick from various activities including gondola rides, zip-lining, mountain biking, free-fall plunging, rail sliding, tree trekking, horseback riding, and hot air balloon trips. It is open for business only in the summer from late April to early October. Families can enjoy a full day here. more
「山之光」是由享譽全球的藝術家布魯斯門若( Bruce Munro )所打造的燈光裝置,它在夜晚照亮了花園度假村周圍的自然景觀。該裝置由數千個發出柔和光源的「螢火蟲」雕塑所組成,這些「螢火蟲」雕塑上總共有18萬個光點。這座令人身歷其境的藝術裝置就位在二世谷花園柏悅飯店的一旁,並位於全新的花園交響樂纜車下方。該藝術專案由二世谷花園度假村和二世谷花園柏悅飯店攜手規劃,將在整個夏季和秋季開放。 了解更多
地點:328-36 Iwaobetsu, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido 044-0082
Hanazono Mountain Lights
"Mountain Lights," an extraordinary light installation created by globally renowned artist Bruce Munro, illuminates Hanazono's natural surroundings at night. The installation will be illuminated by 180,000 different points of light from thousands of gently glowing "firefly" sculptures. This immersive art installation is situated next to the Park Hyatt Niseko Hanazono and beneath the brand-new Hanazono Symphony Gondola. The art project, a partnership between Niseko Hanazono Resort and Park Hyatt Niseko Hanazono, will be accessible throughout the summer and fall. more
Location: "Mountain Lights"
Date: Jul 1th, 2022 - Oct 10th, 2022
Location: 328-36 Iwaobetsu, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido 044-0082
Kamimura 位於比羅夫地區,是一間融合日式和法式料理的米其林星級餐廳。該餐廳完全展現了二世谷美食風貌,它以溫馨、優雅的氛圍和高雅的裝潢,為旅客提供獨一無二的用餐體驗。Kamimura 由同時身為老闆和主廚的上村雄一( Yuichi Kamimura )所帶領,他是土生土長的北海道人,曾花費數年時間向雪梨「Tetsuya's」餐廳裡著名的廚師和久田哲也( Tetsuya Wakuda )學習以精進自己的廚藝。 Kamimura 更獲得了二世谷頂級用餐體驗餐廳之一的美譽。一起來享受高級的用餐體驗,並品嘗主廚的拿手菜色吧! 了解更多
地點:1st Floor, Shiki Niseko, 190-4 Yamada, Kutchan, Hokkaido 044-0081
Kamimura is a Michelin-starred Hirafu restaurant with a Japanese and French influence. The restaurant epitomizes gourmet dining in Niseko, and with its intimate, elegant atmosphere and chic decor, it provides visitors with a completely unique experience. Kamimura is headed by Owner Chef Yuichi Kamimura, a Hokkaido local who spent years perfecting his craft under the renowned chef Tetsuya Wakuda in Sydney’s Tetsuya’s. The restaurant has earned its reputation as one of Niseko’s premium dining experiences. Enjoy a fine dining experience with the chef’s degustation menu. more
Location: 1st Floor, Shiki Niseko, 190-4 Yamada, Kutchan, Hokkaido 044-0081
劉恆碩 Jason
Veranda Villa
Located near Shilin business district, the American style villa has a fireplace, attic, large courtyard, swimming pool and 24hr community management..
吳英才 Bill
大直宜華 西華富邦 B1
The Sherwood Residence
Built by Yihua International Dazhi Hotel Development, the Sherwood Residence is the tallest serviced apartment development in Taipei.
呂東洋 Bob
The Dome
Rare apartment near Zhongshan Middle School MRT Station and Songshan Airport. The property has good views and is under 24hr management.
北海道二世谷《 Setsu Niseko 》滑雪渡假公寓
二世谷是世界上最受歡迎的滑雪勝地以及體驗四季風情首選之一。 Setsu Niseko 坐落於羊蹄山和安努普利山間,鄰近比羅夫,距主要街道人潮聚集的酒吧和餐廳僅數分鐘,讓住戶更能隨著季節變化體驗不同的二世谷,品味休閒愜意的渡假生活。由新加坡高端開發商 SC 環球發展打造,共190戶奢華公寓單位,具備全套的水療健康中心和尊榮客製化禮賓服務。榻榻米的多功能和式房設計,體驗道地日本傳統精神和當代奢華的兼容並蓄,由公寓全景窗向外遠望,可將二世谷冬季意境盡收眼底。 了解更多
  Niseko, Hokkaido《 Setsu Niseko 》
SC Global’s first project in Niseko offers the rare opportunity to enrich your lifestyle and investment portfolio in one of the world’s finest powder snow resorts. Prominently positioned in a prime location within the popular tourist resort of Grand Hirafu, the resort is perfectly flanked between two breathtaking mountains with unrivaled vistas of the ski slopes and Mount Yotei (Hokkaido’s very own Mount Fuji). Collection of 190 freehold apartments located adjacent to the Hirafu Gondola Station. Managed as a hotel apartment residence with a full range of hotel amenities and services including 3 restaurants, hotel bar and lounge, spa & wellness center with natural onsens, gymnasium, children’s play space and underground car parking. Fully furnished apartments available for sale in studio, 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom configurations. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
香奈兒今年1月做出前所未聞的任命:由非時尚產業出身的印度籍女性 Leena Nair 進駐倫敦總部擔任 CEO。原本擔任聯合利華首席人事長的她自入行以來創下多次「業界第一」標竿。 全文閱讀
  Leena Nair
This January, Leena Nair wrapped up her role as Unilever’s Chief HR Officer to join Chanel as the new CEO. She is Chanel’s first Indian-origin boss and at Unilever, the first Asian and youngest person to hold the top HR position.
full article
將瑞典料理帶上國際舞台的瑞典名廚Björn Frantzén ,不僅著重純淨的食材風味,並以高級北歐食材,結合法式料理技術和日式料理哲學,創作出獨樹一幟的創新瑞典料理。 全文閱讀
  Björn Frantzén
Chef Björn Frantzén, who brought Swedish cuisine to the international stage, uses high-grade Nordic ingredients with French cooking techniques and Japanese cooking philosophy, to create a unique and innovative cuisine. full article
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