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作者 / 呂岱諺
新加坡,別名獅城,相傳為蘇門答臘的王子乘船到達此島,看見一頭從未見過的獅子因而得名。如今新加坡依然不負獅城之名,向世界展現其雄壯、勇猛的一面,也如獅子一般,以王者之姿君臨各領域並誇耀其不凡成就。 繼續閱讀
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
Singapore is also known as 'Lion City'. It’s said that the prince of Sumatra arrived at the island by boat, and as the prince had until then never seen a lion, dubbed it as the 'Lion City'. Today Singapore still lives up to its name as the Lion City, showing its majestic and courageous side to the world as lions do, performing like the majestic king in all spheres, boasting its extraordinary achievements. full article
2022 Q1 房產市場概要
2022 Q1 Property Market Overview
Since the beginning of spring 2022, the wealth of high-asset groups has continued to increase and the market is flush with capital, and this has led to a surge in luxury property transactions.
full report
東海岸 / 馬林百列 ( 第 15 區 )
當人們提及馬林百列時,就會想起東海岸公園那令人感到平靜的海浪拍打聲。然而,在熱門的海濱區和緊鄰的加東地區之間可能會發現許多隱藏的美景。馬林百列是新加坡中部和東部地區之間的緩衝地帶,有著許多 1970 年代該島東海岸開發後所建造的公寓住宅。馬林百列中央市場和美食中心、七層樓的複合購物商場百匯廣場,以及美侖美奐有如藝術品的馬林百列社區大樓全都座落在此。
  East Coast / Marine Parade (District 15)
The calming sounds of crashing waves at East Coast Park come to mind when one thinks about Marine Parade. However, many hidden gems may be found in the shadows of the popular beach and next-door neighbor Katong. Marine Parade serves as a buffer between Singapore's central and eastern sectors, consisting of housing flats constructed after the island's east coast was reclaimed in the 1970s. The Marine Parade Central Market and Food Centre, the seven-story retail complex Parkway Parade, and the gorgeous Marine Parade Community Building, which appears like a work of art are all located here.
過去,最鄰近的纜繩滑水公園位於印尼的巴淡島。然而,現今拜全新的新加坡維克公園之賜,您可在此進行體驗滑水運動。該公園包括三種滿足所有不同能力需求的纜繩系統,包括兒童:初學者、中級和全尺寸。前兩種是由操作員控制,一次僅供一位滑水者使用,確保新手們第一次體驗板上平衡就上手。此座公園提供所有配備,包括跪板、滑水板、頭盔和背心。 了解更多
  Singapore Wake Park
Previously, the nearest cable-ski park was in Batam, Indonesia. However, thanks to the brand-new Singapore Wake Park, you can wakeboard right here on the island. The park includes three cable systems that cater to all abilities, including children: beginner, intermediate, and full-sized. The first two are operator-controlled and enable just one rider at a time, ensuring that newcomers master their first experience balancing on the board — it's not as simple as it appears. All equipment is provided, including kneeboards, wakeboards, helmets, and vests. more
Zén 餐廳
Zén 是斯德哥爾摩 Frantzén 的姐妹餐廳,在米其林指南中擁有三顆星。料理品項經過精心挑選,包括在地和各國美食,都是為了提供給客人來自該地區及其他地區的最好的食材。Zén 餐廳設立於新加坡中部的傳統店屋建築中,用餐環境涵蓋了三個樓層。 了解更多
地點:41 Bukit Pasoh Rd, Singapore 089855
Zén Restaurant
Zén is the sister restaurant to Frantzén in Stockholm and holds three stars in Guide Michelin. The tasting menu has been carefully chosen to include both local and international delights. The finest foods from the region and beyond will be served to guests. In a traditional shophouse structure in central Singapore, the dining experience covers three floors. more
Location: 41 Bukit Pasoh Rd, Singapore 089855
國際藝術節 (SIFA)
「剖析表演」是 SIFA 未來三年的新策展弧線,該展演將專注於原創創作、在地和國際藝術家在實體和虛擬空間中的新作品,以及國際知名藝術家的作品展示。伴隨著一再重複的主題「剖析表演」的副標題,每個藝術節版本都成為注目的焦點。
今年的主題是「儀式」—「剖析表演」。此項主題讓觀眾反思我們共同的社會儀式,而這些儀式在表演中重複,表示順應時間、人造物品以及姿勢的限制。 了解更多
Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA)
The Anatomy of Performance, a new curatorial arc for the next three years of SIFA, will focus on original creations, new works by local and international artists in both physical and virtual spaces, and display of works by renowned international artists. With a subtitle accompanying the repeating theme The Anatomy of Performance, each festival edition comes into focus. The theme for this year is "Ritual" — The Anatomy of Performance. Ritual allows audiences to reflect on our common social rituals, which are repeated in performance as both conform to the restrictions of time, artifact, and gesture. more
Exhibition: The Anatomy of Performance
Date: May 20th, 2022 - June 5th, 2022
Location: Virtual
羅治麟 Patrick
Yangmingshan Pool Villa
Enjoy tranquility and leisure in this villa. There is great lighting all over the property and the courtyard swimming pool has views of the mountain.
楊佳臻 Jenny
近捷運劍潭 3 號出口,交通四通八達便利性強,森林花園造景優美,全棟別墅設計簡約。。
Jiantan Manor
Near Jiantan Station with conveniet tranporation routes. The minimalist design manor also has a beautiful scenic garden.
吳英才 Bill
元大花園廣場 官邸名宅
Yuanta Garden Square
Next to Nanjing Fuxing Station with a convenient living function. The development has 24 hour security and many amenities such as indoor swimming pool and gym.
麥雅路,承載著濱海優質住宅的聲望。在 18 世紀時,很多富商沿著海岸線建造了許多濱海度假宅邸,今天的麥雅路代表著新加坡東海岸最優質的地段,特別是全新永久產權項目更是極為稀有。受濱海宅邸的啟發,整個開發項目的 80% 將用於園林生態和休閒設施。項目設計了 8 個戶型,獨特的設計使其每一個單位擁有屬於自己的景觀和生活方式,滿足不同的需求,每個戶型僅限 25 套。美雅豪苑地理位置方便,到達主要高速公路比如東海岸高速公路 ( ECP )和濱海高速公路( MCE ),讓您能在 10 分鐘之內到達市區或者機場。預計 2023 年湯申 - 東海灣地鐵線開通,步行至加東公園地鐵站只需要 6 分鐘,地鐵線 直接連接濱海灣花園地鐵站,濱海灣地鐵站及烏節地鐵站。美雅豪苑的開發商為屢獲殊榮的國浩房地產。了解更多
  Meyer Mansion
The esteemed name of Meyer Road carries the prestige of a prime seafront residential district, where many affluent businessmen once built their holiday mansions along the coast in the 1800s. Today the Meyer Road address represents the most prime and coveted estate in the East Coast of Singapore and new freehold projects here are extremely rare. Inspired by the seafront mansions, 80% of the entire development will be devoted to landscaping and amenities. There are 8 unique layout types, designed to capture the best views and to suit different demographic and lifestyle needs. Each layout has only 25 units. Meyer Mansion's strategic location gives you quick and easy access to major expressways such as ECP and MCE, which can get you to the city or the airport in less than 10 minutes. When the Thomson - East Coast MRT line’s target completion in 2023, the Katong Park MRT station will be just 6 minutes’ walk away, which will be directly connected to the Gardens By The Bay, Marina Bay and Orchard MRT stations. Meyer Mansion is developed by GuocoLand, an award-winning developer. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
疫情持續打擊全球經濟的時刻,只有「電商」產業逆風飛起,好在源自瑞士的奢侈品集團歷峰已提早佈局電商版圖,旗下 Yoox Net-A-Porter 集團總裁 Geoffroy Lefebvre 持續探索奢侈品與數位平台整合的可能性。
The epidemic continues to hit the global economy, while the "e-commerce" industry is bustling. Geoffroy Lefebvre, president of its Yoox Net-A-Porter Group, brings his past successful experience to integrate luxury with digital platforms. full article
池內啟人( Ikeuchi Hiroto ),童年時期與一般日本小孩一樣是個鋼彈迷,長大後他將崇拜結合設計,在大學畢業時即發表了利用電腦主機零件結合塑料的立體模型,在當時就獲頒第17 屆日本媒體藝術節娛樂部門優秀獎。 全文閱讀
Ikeuchi Hiroto was a typical post-90s Gundam fan in his childhood. When he graduated from college, he created a 3D model using computer parts and plastic materials which won the Excellence Award in the 17th Japan Media Arts Festival. full article
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