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布魯塞爾   作者 / 陳堯銘
  Brussels   by Andy Chen / Translated by Shelina Hsieh
In terms of economy, the service industry accounts for a large part of the national industry. The economic growth of Belgium ranks in the latter part of the EU members, and can also be understood as being at a stage with steady improvement. Although the Belgian economy has gradually returned to its normal track with recovery, how to maintain stable growth remains a major challenge as it’s still facing problems such as aging population, unemployment, and high wages affecting its national competitiveness. As a whole, Belgium’s economy has gradually improved, but it is relatively slow and is expected that there will not be significant fluctuations in recent years. full article
比利時首都布魯塞爾共有十九個行政區,而沃呂韋–聖彼得正是其中之一。整體而言,沃呂韋–聖彼得是個富裕的住宅區,以服務業為主要經濟來源。此區內有許多景點,如斯托克雷特宮、布魯塞爾電車博物館、維特克雅娜圖書館等。其中,斯托克雷特宮為建築師約瑟夫.霍夫曼所建,是二十世紀中最優雅且豪華的房屋。雖然此別墅依然是斯托克雷特家族的資產且不對外開放,但其知名度仍使其在2009年時被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產。斯托克雷特宮不僅是當時十分重要且知名的建築,也象徵著此區的繁華,並可能因此吸引上流社會於此定居。 了解更多
Brussels has nineteen municipalities located in the region, and Woluwe-Saint Pierre is one of them. Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, overall, is a wealthy residential area, living almost solely on the service division of the economy. The district includes many sites of Brussels, such as the Stoclet Palace, the Brussels Tram Museum, and the Bibliotheca Wittockiana. The Stoclet Palace, a mansion built by architect Josef Hoffmann, is the most elegant and luxurious houses of the twentieth-century. Though it’s still a private house by the Stoclet family and is not opened for visitors, it was listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 2009. The Stoclet Palace not only is a significant building of its time, it also marks the area as a well-to-do district, and therefore, may attract the upper-class residence to settle in Woluwe-Saint-Pierre. more
布魯塞爾的中心廣場為布魯塞爾大廣場,於1998年被聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產。圍繞著廣場的中世紀建築中也包含布魯塞爾市政廳,散發著濃厚的歐洲氣息,是到訪布魯塞爾的旅客必去的景點之一,法國作家維克多・雨果甚至稱之為「世界上最美麗的廣場」。布魯塞爾大廣場會在每隔兩年的八月十五日舉辦花毯節,與聖母升天節一同慶祝,由來自比利時各地的義工為廣場鋪上大片的花毯,而每次的設計主題也都不同,並會搭配精彩的聲光秀及煙火表演供遊客觀賞。此節日始於1971年,後因其十分受大眾歡迎,便成為廣場特別的傳統。 了解更多
  The Grand Place
The Grand Place is the central square of Brussels, and was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998. The medieval buildings, including the Brussels City Hall, surround the square and radiate a strong European atmosphere; it is one of the must-visit spots for tourists visiting Brussels and was described as "the most beautiful square in the world" by the French writer, Victor Hugo. The Grand Place will hold a Flower Carpet event every two years on August 15th, celebrating with the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Volunteers from all over Belgium will carpet the Grand Place with flowers, as if it was a large carpet itself. The design theme for each event was different, and the event will accompany a brilliant sound-and-light show and fireworks display for visitors. This festival began in 1971, and became a special tradition of the square due to its popularity.
  The Atomium
This year (2018) is the 80th anniversary of Atomium. The Atomium was a commemorative metal structure built for Brussels' World Fair in 1958 (Expo 58). The building symbolizes the democratic will to maintain peace among all nations, faith in technology and scientific progress, and optimistic for a better future of a new, technological, and modern world for mankind. The Atomium is a model of an enlarged cubic cell of an iron crystal structure. There are nine spheres in total and 5 of them are opened to the public.; the highest sphere can give you a panoramic view of Brussels. The Atomium was not intended to stand after the Expo 58, but its popularity later made it one of Brussels' most famous landmarks. In 2013, CNN named it one of "Europe's Most Bizarre Building". more
每年的七月二十一日是比利時的國慶日,而身為首都的布魯塞爾便是歡慶此節日的最佳地點。國慶日當天一早,比利時皇室將與民眾一同在教堂舉行大規模的慶祝,而十點開始更會有各種形式的活動和遊行,其中包括軍事和民間遊行、音樂會和運動會等,到了晚上,精彩的煙火秀將為這特別的一天畫上完美的句點。 了解更多
Belgian National Day
July 21st is the National Day of Belgium, and Brussels, the capital, would be the best place to celebrate this special day. On the morning of National Day, the Belgian royal family will start off the celebration at the cathedral along with the people, and from 10 a.m., there will be various forms of activities and parades, including military and folk parades, concerts, sports event, etc.; the fireworks at night will make a perfect ending for the memorable day. more
Time: July 21st, 2018
Place: The Park of Brussels
楊光明 Dean
108 Dignity Villa
The Villa is an extraordinary property at Yangde Boulevard, facing the south. The property is well-proportioned and owns natural lighting coming in from all sides, looking out to beautiful scenery.
YMS Landscape Villa
The elegant and tranquil community overlooks the beautiful mountain scenery and urban landscape. The property owns 24-hour security, great ventilation, and sufficient lighting.
吳英才 Bill
阿達吉奧公寓式酒店 (Adagio Aparthotel)為歐洲旅遊地產開發及管理領軍者 PVCP集團和法國最大酒店品牌雅高集團的合資品牌。位於巴黎黃金CBD地帶,擁有絕佳位置,鄰近拉德芳斯商業區,距離巴黎市中心僅30分鐘車程,交通便利。因此商業區發展快速,未來將成為歐洲主要商業中心,帶動區域內的各項經濟活動。 聯絡我們
  Adagio Suresnes
Adagio Aparthotel is a joint venture of the PVCP Group, a leading group in Europe's tourism real estate development and management, and Accor Hotels, the largest hotel brand in France. The Hotel is ideally located in Paris's CBD, only 30 minute drive away from the center of Paris, and 10 minutes from the commercial area. Since the project is located in the CBD of Paris, the rapid development of this business district will turn it into Europe's main business center in the future and will stimulate various economic activities in the region. Contact us
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