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作者 / 陳堯銘
加泰隆尼亞是西班牙經濟命脈之一,而首府巴塞隆納也是最吸引外籍觀光客的西班牙旅遊勝地,巴塞隆納是一個充滿創新精神的城市,以建築、藝術和所舉辦的重大活動中表現出的設計和智慧而聞名於世,而這些優異表現也延伸到了商業領域,巴塞隆納成為歐洲非常適宜工作和居住的城市。 繼續閱讀
  Barcelona, Spain
by Andy Chen / translated by Shelina Hsieh
Catalonia is one of the major economic centers of Spain, and its capital, Barcelona, is also the most attractive tourist destination for tourists in Spain. Barcelona is an innovative city, known for its design and wisdom in architecture, arts and many of its major events, and these excellent performances also extend to its commercial sector. Barcelona is one of the most livable and workable cities in Europe. full article
2018 Q1 房產市場概要
2018 Q1 Property Market Overview
In Q1 this year, building ownership transfers by way of transaction in the six special municipalities increased by around 10% YoY to 50,300 units, which was the third straight growth in Q1 since the implementation of the integrated housing and land tax. full report
擴展區於19世紀和20世紀初期興建,由Ildefons Cerdà設計規劃,現為巴塞隆納較為新興且同時是旅人來訪的首選地區。19世紀時,因原巴塞隆納的舊區人口太多、過於擁擠,造成生活品質低落,因此政府決定擴大城市,因而規畫了擴展區,而其最大的特色為世人熟知的棋盤式街道,由較寬廣的大道作為每個街區的分隔線。Cerdà當初規劃擴展區時因考慮到交通便利性而將此區設計為方格區塊,且同時兼顧足夠光線和通風性,而每個區塊的生活便利性也已經納入考量,因此超市、學校、醫院等設施皆平均分佈,讓巴塞隆納成為生活機能完善的城市。
L’Eixample is constructed in the 19th and early 20th century, designed by Ildefons Cerdà, and is a relatively new and most touristic district of Barcelona. In the mid 19th century, the former districts of Barcelona was overcrowded and resulted in low quality of life, the government decided to expand the city and planned the Eixample. Eixample is the district with the iconic characterization of a strict grid patter crossed by larger avenues, a city made up of square blocks. When Cerdà planned the Eixample, he designed it as a checkered area, putting the convenience of transportation into consideration, while sufficient lighting and ventilation were also taken into account. Also, to allow great living convenience, supermarkets, schools, hospitals and other facilities were equally distributed in the area, making Barcelona a well-functioning and livable city.
  La Sagrada Familia
La Sagrada Familia is Barcelona’s most well-known landmark, designed by architect Antoni Gaudí, and is now registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Sagrada Familia was built in 1882, and since it relies merely on private donations and its design is considered to be very detailed and difficult, it has been building for over 100 years and has not yet been completed; it is expected to be completed by 2026, the centenary of Gaudi’s death. Gaudi has devoted a total of 43 years of his lifetime to design and build this breathtaking architecture, and until his death, he was dedicated to studying the structure of the basilica. As his design blueprints, the Sagrada Familia adopted a variety of elements from nature, such as animals and plants, as well as the varicolored lighting on earth, allowing those who visits the basilica to sense the beauty and the vibes of nature.
  Park Güell
Both designed by Antoni Gaudí , though Park Güell and the Sagrada Familia are different types of architecture, there are many similarities in the style of the design. Gaudi’s clever use of elements from the nature adds a lot of refinement and relaxation to Park Güell, his diligence and dedication can be seen in every detail of the design, presenting the park with a fun but comfortable atmosphere. The Park was originally designed as an upper-class residential community with an exclusive park. It was expected with 60 homes, but due to its remote location and unsuccessful commercial sale, only one home was built except for the sample house. Both of the houses were not designed by Gaudí, but one was bought by Gaudí in 1906 and has now become the Gaudí House Museum. With the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell has also been listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
「巴塞隆納-博物館之夜」為一年一度於國際博物館日前夕所舉辦之活動,目的是在大眾意識中強調博物館的重要性。這一天,有參與活動的博物館將於平常閉館時間開放民眾入內參觀,而巴塞隆納有多達逾80間博物館及文化中心參與並提供免費入場,讓有興趣的人能一次觀賞許多不同的展覽。 了解更多
時間:2018.05.19 (六) 19:00~01:00
La Nit dels Museus
La Nit dels Museus – The Night of Museums of Barcelona. Happening once a year, one may visit the museums after usual opening hours, and free entrance at over 80 museums and cultural centers in Barcelona. The event was initiative promoted by the Council of Europe, and is the night before International Museum Day, to raise public awareness about the importance of museums. more
Time: 2018.05.19 (Sat) 19:00~01:00
Place: Museums and Cultural Centers in Barcelona
陳麒安 Josh
The building is one of the best projects in the Western Districts, with a base area of 1,431 pings, only 28% of amenities and the listing is a rare double balcony home.
Ocean Kingdom
With great mountain, river, and sea view of Tamsui, the listing owns owns 206 pings and is a unique artistic residence.
蔡明延 Jamie
楊光明 Dean
Westley Manor
Surrounded by much greenery, the property is a single-family villa with a pool, elevator, and strict management system.
  Hotel El Puerto Spain
Hotel EI Puerto Spain is located at Fuengirola, Málaga, neighboring the Mediterranean Sea. It is developed by the PVCP Group and managed by one of its brand. The building has a unique exterior, consists of 354 rooms with private balconies, allowing the guest to have an impressive view of the Mediterranean Sea. Also, the hotel has a bar, an ocean view restaurant, a panorama rooftop swimming pool and etc., giving the guest an exclusive vacation experience. Contact us
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
被譽為「義大利人間國寶」的利諾‧塔亞彼耶得拉,其創作如現代詩般優雅、神秘,令觀者入迷。 全文閱讀
  Lino Tagliapietra
Known as the “National Treasure of Italy”, Lino Tagliapietra, whose creation is as elegant and mysterious as modern poetry, fascinating the viewers. full article
一個藏身澳洲南方的心型小島,有著美麗天堂的封號,為全球藝術迷帶來一場震撼五感的極致饗宴。 全文閱讀
  Charming Tasmania
A heart-shaped island hiding in Southern Australia has the name of a beautiful paradise, bringing a stunning feast to the world’s art fans. full article
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