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作者 / 陳堯銘
法蘭克福是一個民族文化十分多元的城市,五成以上的人口有著移民背景,而當中四分之一的人口也為外國籍人士。因地理位置優越的關係,法蘭克福也成為當地重要的交通樞紐。 繼續閱讀
  Frankfurt, Germany
by Andy Chen / translated by Shelina Hsieh
Frankfurt is the largest city in central and western Germany and the fifth largest city in Germany. It is a diverse city with various different cultures, over 50% of the population has an immigrant background, and one quarter of it has a foreign nationality. Due to its advantageous geographical location, Frankfurt has also become an important transportation hub in the region.
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2017 Q4 房產市場概要
依據地政局公布十二月底建物買賣移轉棟數,包括台北市、新北市、台中市和台南市都在年底拉尾盤;反觀桃園市和高雄市旺月不旺,移轉量反而呈現衰退。 繼續閱讀
2017 Q4 Property Market Overview
According to the Department of Land Administration, property sales and transfers witnessed growth at the end of the year in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City and Tainan City, while the transfer volume declined in Taoyuan City and Kaohsiung City in December, which was normally regarded as the peak month. full report
  Altstadt, Frankfurt
Altstadt is a German language word for “old town”. It is also a city district of Frankfurt, located on the right bank of the Main River. Altstadt is the historical center of Frankfurt, existing since Frankfurt’s beginning, survived through the World Wars, and is today a place of tourism. Though not much was rebuild in Alstadt after being severely damaged during World War II, only few buildings were actually preserved and most middle-age style building we see today in the Römerberg plaza are reconstructions. Furthermore, starting in the year 2004, the Dom-Römer Project was initiated, to develop the heart of Frankfurt and bringing new life to the city’s historic centre.
施泰德美術館位於美茵河左岸,為法蘭克福一所著名的藝術博物館,也是德國最重要的藝術品博物館之一。2012年時,施泰德美術館更被AICA國際藝評人協會德國分會選為「2012年度最佳博物館」。此博物館館藏有3,100件繪畫作品、660件雕刻品、逾4,600多張攝影作品及100,000幅圖畫,且作品多聚焦於文藝復興時期、巴洛克風、早期的現代藝術等,其中包括畢卡索、培根等人的作品。近年來施泰德美術館也極力發展數位活動,讓對藝術有興趣的人們也能從網路世界參與館中的作品。 了解更多
  The Städel Museum
The Städel Museum, locates on the left bank of the Main River, is one of the most prestigious art museums in Frankfurt and was honored as “Museum of the Year 2012” by the German art critics association AICA in 2012. The holdings of the museum encompass altogether 3,100 paintings, 660 sculptures, over 4,600 photographs and more than 100,000 drawings and prints, focusing on the Renaissance, the Baroque, early Modern art, etc., with works by artists such as Pablo Picasso and Francis Bacon. Currently, the Städel Museum has developed a wide spectrum of digital activities for people around the world to visit the museum at anytime, anywhere. more
棕櫚樹公園為德國最大的植物園,最初由私人融資及施工,並於1871年建成、開放,後由法蘭克福市政府管理,二戰後被美國佔領當局接管,最後於1960年回歸法蘭克福市政府。因經歷二戰,園內有許多部份皆受到嚴重的損壞,因此今日我們看到的公園是於1992年修復完成後的樣貌。植物園內有各形各色不同品種的植物,且建有許多溫室空間讓人參觀。園區雖以植物為主,但不時會有野生動物於此出沒,讓人能更親近大自然。遊客可選擇乘坐公園內的鐵路環繞部分花園,亦或悠閒地漫步於此也是件十分愜意的事,尤其適合闔家活動。 了解更多
Palmengarten is Germany’s largest botanical garden, with an area of 22 hectares. Opened in 1871, it was privately funded and implemented, and was later taken over by the city of Frankfurt. After World War II, it was transferred to the American occupation authorities and was returned to the city in 1960s. As a result of World War II, many of the Palmengarten were severely damaged; thus, the place we see today was reconstructed in 1992. There are countless of different species in the Palmengarten, greenhouses with different exhibits, and even wild animals that show up from time to time, allowing people to get closer to nature. One may take the railway that surrounds part of the garden or just to wander around this enjoyable area when visiting this enchanting garden. more
Ambiente法蘭克福春季消費品展是全球最大規模、且對消費品產業而言最重要的展覽會。此展覽分為「飲食饗宴」、「精緻禮品」及「摩登居家」三大主要區塊,並以多元方式呈現,除最新趨勢的靜態展覽外,更有如名人講座或邀請知名主廚至「飲食饗宴」區域做料理示範等特別的活動,每年吸引近14萬人參加。 了解更多
時間:2018.02.09 ~ 2018.02.13
地點:德國 法蘭克福展覽中心
Ambiente Frankfurt 2018
Ambiente is the world’s largest consumer goods exhibition, displaying the latest trends in various forms, such as shows, events and lectures. “Ambiente sets the pace for the world of consumer goods. The unique diversity in the Dining, Giving and Living areas offers a comprehensive overview and shows the innovative capacities of this pulsating sector. more
Time: Feb. 9-13th, 2018
Place: Messe Frankfurt
蔡吉政 Freeman
Rich King
Located in the Nanhai Area, the building is constructed by the Rich Development, with SC structure; it is adjacent to MRT Guting station and Nanmen Market, providing much convenience.
Peace Palace
Located in the core of Da’an District, the property is one of Taipei’s landmark, owning a great terrace view fronting the greenery of NTNU's campus and a magnificent lobby with 18 meters high.
張瓊羽 Sylvia
陳麒安 Josh
Lishui City House
A Single-Family house located in an ally in the Yongkang commercial area, with one unit per floor, it is suitable for large families. The property is adjacent to two school areas and NTNU.
坐落在澳洲黃金海岸的精華區域,距知名的衝浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)中心僅兩分鐘路程,周邊不但有輕軌,更有國際級的購物中心、餐廳和娛樂區,受到澳洲當地居民和國際遊客的喜愛。17戶寬敞而精緻的精品套房,規畫為2至3房格局,令人讚嘆的河景及城市天際線的雙重魅力,賦予「Tarcoola河岸公寓」兼具活力與寧靜的居住環境。聯絡我們
  Tarcoola River Residences
Situates in the prime location of Australia’s Gold Coast. The project is just two minutes from the heart of bustling Surfers Paradise; not only is it close to light rail, but also world class shopping center, exceptional dining and entertainment precincts, winning the favor of local residents and international visitors. “Tarcoola River Residences” have 17 generously proportioned and sophisticated 2 & 3-bedroom residences, with the dual appeal of stunning river and skyline views, offering residents a blend of both vibrancy and serenity. Contact us
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
  Modern Art with Jewelry
Subverting the traditional approach, getting inspiration from the usual hardware parts, such as having the concept of screws combined with jewelry, giving it a fashion life. full article
  Luxurious Adventure with Carbon Neutral
The world’s only expedition tour to the Antarctic continent, the most unique trip to the South Pole, allowing you to enjoy the ultimate luxurious experience. full article
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