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作者 / 陳堯銘
紐約金融面向,深信這個城市無庸置疑是世界規模最大的金融服務及商業中心之一。當地的華爾街也是貢獻紐約州最大所得稅的來源。 繼續閱讀
  New York City, USA
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
In Financial industry, New York is undoubtedly the central hub to one of the largest financial services and business centers in the world. Wall Street also happens to be the biggest source of contribution to the New York State income tax. full article
台北市房地產 市場月報 2022/06
由於3月央行升息、打炒房、建商缺工缺料及疫情等四大利空,都讓建商推案縮手,融資需求自然下降。 繼續閱讀
顯然地,從曼哈頓以外的地方來欣賞曼哈頓是最佳的。位於皇后區、與東河毗鄰的長島市 ( LIC ) 就是其中一處能夠欣賞到這些驚艷美景的街區。 長島市在都市的生活步調及人口密度與郊區的平和及寧靜間取得完美的平衡。 另外,曼哈頓中城離長島市很近,對於往返兩地工作生活的人們來說,長島市通勤很方便。 長島市的旅遊景點,包含紐約現代藝術博物館PS1分館、一個巨大的溜冰場、濱水公園和獨木舟俱樂部。 這個區域還有非常多樣的餐廳和美食,從平價美食到精緻餐飲應有盡有。
  Long Island City
It is apparent that Manhattan is best viewed from outside of Manhattan. One of the city's neighborhoods that gets to take advantage of these breathtaking views is Long Island City (LIC), which is situated in Queens and on the border of the East River. LIC is an excellent balance between the pace and density of the city and the peace and quiet of the suburbs. Additionally, Midtown Manhattan is just a short hop away, making it a convenient commute for those working there. There are several attractions in LIC, including PS1, an extension of the Museum of Modern Art, a huge skating rink, waterfront parks, and a kayak club. There is also a great variety of restaurants and cuisines in this area, from budget-friendly to premium dining options.
野口勇是20世紀最重要且備受推崇的雕塑家之一,他的創作跨足雕塑、園藝造景、家具及燈光設計、陶藝、建築和劇場設計。他的作品既細膩又大膽,既傳統又現代,為藝術的統一建立了一個新標準。 野口勇創辦了野口勇博物館,該博物館於1985年起對外開放。野口勇找尋了一個場所來展示自己生涯的代表性作品。 博物館在12個室內畫廊展出了他的優秀作品,館外的轉角處還有一座寧靜的戶外雕塑花園。 了解更多
  Noguchi Museum
Isamu Noguchi was one of the most significant and well-regarded sculptors of the 20th century. He produced sculptures, gardens, furniture and lighting designs, ceramics, architecture, and set designs. His work established a new bar for the reunification of the arts since it was both subtle and bold, traditional and modern. Isamu Noguchi created and founded the Noguchi Museum, which has been open to the public since 1985. Noguchi sought a venue to show a representative sampling of his life's work. The museum's twelve indoor galleries feature a number of his finest works, and there is also a peaceful outdoor sculpture garden just around the corner. more
蘇格拉底雕塑公園曾是一座廢棄的垃圾掩埋場,於1980年代被改造成一個社區公園,同時也是一個開放的工作室與藝術展示空間。 從早上九點至日落時分都能夠進入這座全年無休的公園。在夏季期間,此地也經常舉辦瑜珈課程、電影放映等免費活動。 現今,此公園是一座頗具盛名的戶外博物館,並提供許多免費家庭活動,也可以野餐或是沿著東河河畔漫步,欣賞曼哈頓的景色。 了解更多
  Socrates Sculpture Park
In the 1980s, Socrates Sculpture Park, which had previously been an abandoned landfill, was transformed into a neighborhood park as well as an open studio and exhibition space for artists. Every day of the year, from nine in the morning until sunset, the park is accessible to everybody, and during the summer, it frequently hosts free activities like yoga sessions and movie showings. It is currently a well-known outdoor museum and park with many free family activities, a spot to picnic or take a stroll along the East River with a view of Manhattan. more
Casa Enrique
Casa Enrique 是一間榮獲米其林一星的墨西哥餐廳,在這裡你可以吃到主廚 Cosme Aguilar 家鄉恰帕斯州的特色菜餚。 透過將傳統烹飪技巧和家族食譜結合,它的料理突顯了該地區的簡樸和真實。 以龍舌蘭酒、梅茲卡爾酒和其他拉丁美洲雞尾酒為特色的精選雞尾酒單由營運總監 Luis Aguilar 所精選,更為該餐廳的獲獎美食增色不少。 Casa Enrique 在精緻風味上的高標準來自於使用的新鮮食材,它的服務更為饕客們留下難忘的經驗。 了解更多
地點:5-48 49th Avenue, Queens, New York 11101, United States
Casa Enrique
A Mexican restaurant with a Michelin star, Casa Enrique serves regional specialties from Chiapas, the homeland of Chef Cosme Aguilar. The cuisine emphasizes the simplicity and authenticity of the area by fusing traditional cooking techniques with family recipes. A wonderful cocktail menu featuring Tequila, Mezcal, and other Latin American cocktails were created by the director of operations, Luis Aguilar, to complement the restaurant's award-winning food. Casa Enrique’s high standard for exquisite flavor comes from the fresh ingredients used. The service that comes with the dishes also provides diners an unforgettable experience. more
Location: 5-48 49th Avenue, Queens, New York 11101, United States
曾榮獲六次葛萊美獎、在紐約土生土長的歌手比利喬,將每月於麥迪遜廣場花園舉辦一系列的演唱會,並在鋼琴伴奏下高唱他的經典歌曲。在40多年的職業生涯中,他的專輯銷量在全球已累積超過1億張,使他成為全球最知名也最受尊崇的表演家之一。作為全球收入最高的巡迴音樂家之一,比利喬已在麥迪遜廣場花園舉辦了超過46場的演出。他是全球最著名的唱片藝術家之一,也是歷史上受人尊敬的表演家。在過去25年中,他的專輯銷售了超過1.5億張。 了解更多
地點:麥迪遜廣場花園, 4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 10001
Billy Joel Concert
Billy Joel, a six-time Grammy Award winner and native of New York, will perform an ongoing series of monthly concerts at Madison Square Garden, belting out his classic songs with the help of his revolving piano. Over the course of a career spanning more than 40 years, he has sold more than 100 million albums, making him one of the most well-known and admired entertainers in the world. One of the highest earning touring musicians in the world, Billy Joel has played more than 46 shows at Madison Square Garden. He is one of the most well-known recording artists in the world and a respected performer in history, having sold more than 150 million records over the last 25 years. more
Event: Billy Joel Concert
Date: Jul 20th, 2022 at 20:00
Location: Madison Square Garen, 4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 10001
張國斌 Mike
The Palace
Designed by Kenzo Tange, this residence is located on Renai road. Residents can enjoy amenities, luxurious club house and five-star services.
郭宜菁 Evelyn
Paradeisos Pensili
Guo Xuyuan's architectural work is located in the core of Zhuke. Walking home in the neighborhood is as if strolling in a quiet forest. Light rail is accessible nearby.
蔡吉政 Freeman
Royal Heights Villa
The American-style villa is located in the famous community of Xizhi Dagang. There are diverse amenities in the community such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and basketball courtss.
紐約長島市智能住宅位於長島市最繁華的商業區中心,是住宅及商店的綜合智能大樓。住宅用戶均可享受酒店式管理設施和服務。住宅開闊設計搭配酒店同等級傢俱和硬件設備,節能玻璃帷幕, 最靠近紐約市的核心區,長島市河岸第一排,可遠眺曼哈頓夜景。擁有空中花園的休閒空間,整體環境優雅舒適,綠能環保智慧供電系統,網絡遠距調控家裡的電氣設備,提供住戶高端科技,舒適方便的智能居家環境。住宅比鄰花旗銀行總部,此區環繞多家銀行、超市、餐廳、大型辦公樓、醫療診所、大學研究大樓、美術館及博物館等。住宅擁有7線地鐵跨越,步行至地鐵站只需3分鐘,10分鐘即可到曼哈頓第五大道名店街。該物業有10層,一層地下、十層地上樓面。B1是超市,2A樓是室內停車場。了解更多
  NY Long Island City Smart Home
The Smart Residence is located in the heart of Long Island City's most prosperous business district, a comprehensive smart building of residences and commercial. Residential users can enjoy hotel-style management facilities and services. The open design of the residence is matched with the same grade of furniture and hardware equipment as a hotel, and energy-saving glass curtain. With the leisure space of the sky garden, the overall environment is elegant and comfortable. The development has a green energy and environmental protection intelligent power supply system. The high-end technology network remote control of the electrical equipment in the home provides residents a comfortable and convenient home. The surrounding living facilities are complete with banks, supermarkets, restaurants, medical clinics, university research buildings, and art institutions. The residence has a span of 7 subway stops. It takes 3 minutes to walk to the subway station and only a 10-minute ride to Manhattan's Fifth Avenue. There are 10 floors in total and a basement floor being a supermarket. The parking lot is located on floor 2A, between the 2nd and 3rd floor. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
景觀建築 與環境共舞
  Landscape Architecture
Let the architectures communicate with nature, history and humanities to connect the present, the past and the future. By using more in-depth design implications will create a more harmonious life. full article
當天氣晴朗,沐浴春天懷抱,這個瞬間何等美好。寶石也喜歡春彩,因為這代表告別凜冬、迎向春暖花開。 全文閱讀
  The Colors of Spring
It is a beautiful moment when spring embraces the sunny weather. Gem stones are also like spring colors, because they can range from winter colors to welcoming warm spring.
full article
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