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作者 / 呂岱諺
越南胡志明市,舊稱「西貢」,是過去西來朝貢船隻停泊的主要港口,顧名思義是越南迎接外來文化的代表城市。 繼續閱讀
  Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, formerly known as "Saigon", was the main port where tributary ships from the west berthed. As its name suggests, it is the city of Vietnam that represents the welcoming of foreign cultures. full article
台北市房地產 市場月報

2021 年經濟成長創 11 年新高,將經濟果實與全民共享,行政院會31 日將拍板「300億元中央擴大租金補貼專案」,大幅提高租金補貼戶數,從現行的 12 萬戶提高到 50 萬戶,同時擴大補貼範圍,補貼對象所得標準從平均每人每月所得低於最低生活費 2.5 倍放寬為 3 倍,補貼金額也加碼提高。 繼續閱讀
胡志明市 第一郡
這個位於胡志明市中心的高端區域,其黃金地理位置讓您步出家門即可觸及到工作、休息和娛樂所需的一切。第一郡除了是外國使館、政府重要機關和金融中心的樞紐外,街道上更遍布了餐館、咖啡館、商店和其他服務場所。該市的大部分博物館、旅遊景點和歷史古蹟,如「濱城市場」和「統一宮」也位於第一郡。第一郡可說是胡志明市最繁忙的地區之一,將於 2022 年底開通的新地鐵系統期望能為人流的進出帶來便利性。
  Ho Chi Mihn City, 1st District
This high-end area, located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City, provides everything you need to work, rest, and play right on your doorstep. District 1 contains streets lined with restaurants, cafés, stores, and other services in addition to being a hub for foreign embassies, government offices, and finance centers. The majority of the city's museums, tourist attractions, and historical monuments, such as Ben Thanh Market and the Reunification Palace are also located in District 1. It should come as no surprise that District 1 is one of Ho Chi Mihn’s busiest districts, but a new metro system set to open at the end of 2022 is expected to keep people flowing in and out of the region.
Bitexco 金融塔不但是都會天際線最引人矚目的建築,更已成為國家在發展上、財富上和經濟上驚人成長的象徵。位於第 49 層的西貢觀景台可說是越南版的帝國大廈觀景台。此座觀景台高達 178 公尺,採用具有未來主義風格的室內設計,並配有望遠鏡和互動式觸摸屏幕,讓遊客得以鳥瞰胡志明市優美的城市景色和高空體驗絕對令人難忘。 了解更多
  Saigon Skydeck
The Bitexco Financial Tower is a noteworthy addition to the metropolitan skyline, and it has secured its place as a symbol of development, wealth, and the country's astonishing growth as a major economic hub. The Saigon Skydeck, on the 49th level, is the Vietnamese equivalent of the Empire State Building's observation deck. Bitexco's Skydeck, which rises at a gravity-defying 178 meters tall and features a futuristic interior design with binoculars and interactive touch-screens, provides guests with a bird's-eye perspective over Ho Chi Minh City. The view of the city and the experience are absolutely unforgettable. more
由建築師 Ngô Viết Thụ 所設計的統一宮,亦稱為獨立宮,整座宮殿共有五層樓,是絕佳的旅遊景點。統一宮曾是南越總統的居家、辦公之地,更是越南著名的歷史景點,因其見證了 1975 年北越人民軍坦克車衝入西貢總統府,南越走入歷史,越南統一的歷史時刻。宮殿外的草坪上及屋頂上還分別擺置了坦克車及直升機的仿製品供遊客觀賞。這裡還有一個地堡,保存了 1960 年代晚期至 1970 年代的許多隧道及電訊中心。
  Reunification Palace
Designed by architect Ngô Viết Thụ, the Reunification Palace also known as the Independence Palace, has five levels and is a wonderful destination to visit. This property was once the home and workplace of the President of South Vietnam. It is a renowned place in Vietnamese history because it depicts the moment when a tank crashed through the palace gates, bringing Saigon down. Outside the palace, a replica of this tank may be seen on the lawn as well as a replica helicopter on the building’s roof. There is also a bunker basement that features a warren of tunnels and a telecommunication center preserved from the late 1960s to 1970s.
Teh Dar Show 【越南原始部落之音】
Teh Dar 為西貢歌劇院演出的戲劇性表演,內容包含來自越南西南高地的馬戲團表演、空中雜技及部落音樂。技藝精湛的演出者在這擁有 121 年歷史的劇院中演繹著愛情與信仰的故事。 Teh Dar 擁抱並保存多樣美麗的越南部落文化。當藝術家們持續其靈感,而部落生活持續循環,部落文化就將持續存在。來到胡志明市,千萬別錯過這個適合家庭旅遊的藝文活動! 了解更多
Teh Dar Show
Teh Dar, a dramatic production involving circus acts, aerial acrobatics, and tribal music from Vietnam's Southwest Highlands, is performed at the Saigon Opera House. In the 121-year-old venue, skilled performers tell stories of love and faith. Teh Dar embrace and preserve beautiful and diverse Vietnamese tribal cultures. As the artists keep inspiring, the circle of tribal life keeps going, the cultures shall remain. While in Ho Chi Minh City, don't miss this family-friendly attraction! more
Date: April 19th, 2022
Location: Ho Chi Minh City Opera House
米其林星級名廚 Jacques 及 Laurent Pourcel 在這家餐廳準備了非凡的法式及地中海料理。《紐約時報》將他們的烹飪手法譽為「成分複雜、風味豐富,但易於理解」。在他們的食譜中,風味及感官的對比產生了一種懸念及驚喜感。 Jardin Des Sens(感官花園)提供一流的料理及服務,並在現代歐洲風格的環境中營造出愉快的用餐氛圍。
地址:251 Dien Bien Phu Street Entrance - 31C Le Quy Don, 胡志明市 越南
Jardin Des Sens
Michelin-starred chefs Jacques and Laurent Pourcel prepare phenomenal French and Mediterranean food at this restaurant. The New York Times describes their cooking approach as "complex in ingredients, rich in flavor, yet simple to understand." The contrast of flavors and sensations in their recipes generate a sense of suspense and surprise. This restaurant offers excellent food and service, as well as a pleasant eating ambiance in a modern, European-inspired setting. more
Address: 251 Dien Bien Phu Street Entrance - 31C Le Quy Don, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
劉恆碩 Jason
美式格局,壁爐,閣樓,使用空間大。大庭院,百年樹,魚池,泳池。近北市中心及士林商圈,交通便利,24 小時社區管理。
Veranda Villa
Shilin American style mansion with fireplace and attic. Courtyard with fish pond and swimming pool. Property has 24-hour management.
呂東洋 Bob
獨棟花園城堡別墅,24H 門禁管理嚴謹,定期專人打掃維護。美式開放大前庭,鄰近威斯汀度假酒店、高爾夫球場。
Joy Mansion
Single villa with high ceilings, the property has 24-hour management, and regular housekeeping services. Located near The Westin Tashee Resort.
覃筱瑩 Alison
挑高 6 米氣派客廳、超大落地窗帶進自然採光與山景。寧靜別墅社區、李天鐸建築師經典之著,杜康生大師精心打造。
Huaku Huacheng Villa
The 6-meter-high ceiling and windows bring in natural light and mountain views. Li Tianduo's classic design was carefully crafted by Master Du Kangsheng.
由亞洲地產領導集團 Hongkong Land 所打造的 The MARQ ,為​​樓高 26 層、共有 515 套住房單位的豪華頂級私人住宅。項目位於第一郡繁華的阮廷照街,該處是胡志明市最受推崇的地段,鄰近市內其他熱門地標,包括聖母大教堂和統一宮,以及其他商業和娛樂中心。The MARQ 由全球知名建築室內設計公司 P&T Consultants 設計團隊精心打造,巧妙融合園林景色與現代化設施,詮釋出當代建築和自然情懷共構的溫潤美感。其最大的特色是位於頂樓的空中俱樂部,高空泳池讓人陶醉於胡志明市中心的繁華美景,設備齊全的休閒設施更為日常生活重新注入朝氣,多種房型選擇,滿足自住或投資全方位置產考量。 了解更多
  The MARQ
The MARQ, constructed by the real estate leadership group in Asia, Hongkong Land, is a 26-storey luxury private residence with 515 housing units. The project is located on the bustling Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, the most recommended location in Ho Chi Minh City, and is also in close proximity to several popular landmarks in the city, including Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon, Independence Palace, as well as other commercial and entertainment centers. Designed by the world-class architectural interior company, P&T Consultants, The MARQ combines the garden scenery with modern facilities, interpreting the warm beauty of nature and contemporary architecture. The most important feature of The MARQ is the sky club located on the top floor. Residents can enjoy the stunning city view at the sky pool and reinvigorate their daily life with leisure facilities. With different kinds of room types, it’s also ideal for both self-use and investment. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
在 2014 年接任美國超微 AMD 總裁兼執行長,並帶領 AMD 浴火重生、轉虧為盈的蘇姿丰 Lisa Su ,被譽為「矽谷半導體女王」、「處理器教母」。 全文閱讀
Lisa Su, who took over as the president and CEO of AMD in 2014 and led AMD's rebirth from the ashes and turned a profit, is known as the "Queen of Silicon Valley Semiconductors" and the "Godmother of Processors". full article
打破傳統顏料的框架,同時跳脫畫布既有的印象,沒想過要走上傳統藝術家一途的 Lev Khesin ,卻能將工業感強烈的矽膠、刮刀幻化成創作媒材,質感豐富的抽象圖案極具個人特色。 全文閱讀
Lev Khesin, who breaks the frame of traditional art can turn industrial silicone and scrapers into creative media, with abstract patterns of rich texture and personal characteristics. full article
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