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維也納   作者 / 陳堯銘
許多重要的國際組織都將總部設立於維也納,例如OPEC的總部也設於此。同時,維也納與美國紐約和瑞士日內瓦同為聯合國僅有的駐地城市。它也身兼「世界音樂之都」美譽。如果按照市區人口,它是歐盟第七大城。 繼續閱讀
  Vienna   by Andy Chen / Translated by Shelina Hsieh
Many important international organizations have established their headquarters in Vienna. For example, the headquarter of OPEC is also located here. At the same time, Vienna is the third “UN city” in the United Nations along with New York, USA and Geneva, Switzerland, and is also known as the “City of Music”. According to the urban population, it is the seventh largest city in the European Union. full article
德布靈區位於城市最北部,延伸至維也納森林的山坡地,是市內居住人口十分密集的區域之一,其中也不乏許多高級住宅區,例如Grinzing、Sievering、 Neustift am Walde等。德布靈區內也有許多學區,例如維也納美國國際學校、日本國際學校以及勞德商學院。在此區形成前,由於位於丘陵地不遠,大型的森林地區被貴族用作狩獵場地並吸引許多葡萄酒種植者,因此增加了郊區的繁華,貴族們在此建造別墅,市民們則在花園內放鬆休憩。隨著人口的增加,此區漸漸擴大,並且於1892年時建立了德布靈區,而後也發展成繁榮的中上階層社區。
Döbling is located in the northernmost part of the city and extends to the Vienna Woods, and has some heavily populated area, including many high-end residential areas such as Grinzing, Sievering, and Neustift am Walde. There are also quite a few school districts in Döbling, such as the American International School of Vienna, the Japanese International School, and the Lauder School of Business. Before the Döbling was formed, since it is adjacent to a hilly area, a large forest area was used as a hunting ground by nobles and attracted many wine-growers, increasing the prosperity of the suburbs. The nobles built villas, and the citizens of Vienna rested and relaxed in the gardens. With an increase of population, the area was expanded, and in 1892, the Döbling District was established, and was later developed into a prosperous middle and upper class community.
奧地利美泉宮、巴黎凡爾賽宮及西班牙馬德里皇宮並列為歐洲三大皇宮。美泉宮座落於奧地利維也納,每年吸引超過150萬人參觀,是造訪維也納的必遊景點。美泉宮主要以巴洛克風格設計,並擁有法式風格的皇家花園,在所有1,441個房間中僅有45間對外開放,讓到訪的旅人能藉此想像歷史上皇家成員的日常生活。於1996年時,聯合國教科文組織已將美泉宮及其皇家花園列入世界遺產名錄,認為其保存良好的巴洛克式宮殿建築具有十分出眾的普世價值,且美泉宮的皇宮主體及其優美的花園亦如藝術作品般地完美。 了解更多
  Schönbrunn Palace
Schönbrunn Palace in Austria, Palace of Versailles in Paris and the Royal Palace of Madrid in Spain are the three largest palaces in Europe. The Schönbrunn Palace is located in Vienna, Austria, attracts more than 1.5 million tourists each year and is a must visit destination for visitors to Vienna. The palace is designed mainly in Baroque style with a French-styled Royal Garden, and within all 1,441 rooms, only 45 of them are opened to the public, so visitor may imagine the daily life of a royal member in the history. In 1996, UNESCO had included Schönbrunn Palace and its royal garden in the World Heritage List, stating that its well-preserved baroque palace building has outstanding universal values, and the main body of Schönbrunn Palace and its graceful garden is also equivalent to a work of art. more
  St. Stephen's Cathedral
The St. Stephen's Cathedral is the most important religious building and is the city symbol of Vienna. It is often chosen as the venue for Austria's national affairs and witnessed many important moments in the Austrian history, where the church's importance to Vienna can be seen. The cathedral is a complex of Gothic and Romanesque architecture, and unlike the single hue of most churches' exterior, the most unique part of the St. Stephen's Cathedral is the multi-color tile roof. The double-headed eagle is the symbol of the Habsburg dynasty that once ruled in Vienna. The church experienced two major fires. The first occurred in the 13th century, then there was the other during the World War II. The church roof was severely damaged in WWII, and nine states of Austria came up with a joint funding used to repair the church, and therefore, the church also symbolizes the revitalization of the people after the War. more
一百二十多年前維也納歌劇作曲家,卡爾・米勒克爾,創作出一部趣味十足的音樂劇,在當時,這種新型態的歌劇甫推出便廣受好評,是十分成功的創作。歌劇背景發生在十九世紀的義大利西西里小城,敘述惡棍與女伯爵間一連串陰謀與陰錯陽差的喜劇故事情節。 了解更多
時間:2018/06/02-30 間陸續有演出
地點:Wiener Volksoper, Wahringer Strasse 78, 1090 Vienna
Viennese Operetta: Gasparone
Over 120 years ago, the Austrian composer of operettas, Carl Millöcker, created a hilariously funny musical and turned out be a great success in Vienna. The opera's background is a series of bizarre comedy stories of a scoundrel and countess in the nineteenth-century Italy Sicilian town. more
Time: Various between 2nd and 30th June 2018
Place: Wiener Volksoper, Wahringer Strasse 78, 1090 Vienna
張瓊羽 Sylvia
華固鼎苑豪邸 II
Premium Twin
The listing is a luxury residential building in Zhongshan District, constructed by Huaku Development. It is built with SRC structure, owns one unit per floor, and is adjacent to two MRT stations.
Yuanta Grand Peak
Overlooking the Xinyi District and Taipei 101, the listing owns a great view. The building is adjacent to the Xinyi business district, provides much convenience and with modern and simple design.
  蔡吉政 Freeman
劉恆碩 Jason
Yang Ming Skyland
Located at the YangMing Mountain, Yang Ming Skylands owns a 360 degree view of the Taipei city, including the Taipei 101, and the property also has a garden, swimming pool, and garage.
歐洲迪士尼 巴黎大自然度假村莊
巴黎大自然度假村莊(Villages Nature Paris)為法國旅遊業兩大巨頭歐洲迪士尼(EURO Disney S.C.A.)及PVCP集團(Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs)聯手打造之全新休閒地標,堪稱現階段歐洲最大的旅遊建設開發案。在交通便利的馬恩河谷區,距巴黎迪士尼樂園開車僅五分鐘處,以自然環保為訴求,打造永續型觀光樂園。提供買家安全、穩健、簡單的投資機會。 聯絡我們
  Villages Nature Paris
Villages Nature Paris is the collaboration between EURO Disney S.C.A and Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs, two leading groups in Europe's tourism and real estate. This brand new holiday destination is said to be the largest tourism developement in Europe at the moment. Conveniently located in the Marne-la-Vallée region, Villages Nature Paris is only a five-minute drive away from Disneyland Paris. The project is committed to a sustainable approach in enhancing the area's natural resources while providing an extraordinary opportunity for buyers looking for safe, stable and hassle-free investments. Contact us
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
藝術家Terry Rodgers以描繪當代聲色男女的姿態與神情聞名於世,透過與Lalique合作的水晶作品,進入一場心暢神馳的奇幻之旅。 全文閱讀
  Realistic or Fiction? Terry Rodgers for Lalique
The artist Terry Rodgers is well-known for portraying the gestures and expressions of contemporary sensual men and women. Through his crystal work with Lalique, the viewer enters a magical journey. full article
為藝術家量身訂製的住宅,該有什麼絕對必要的理想裝潢?來藝術裡住一晚,顛覆刻板的居住思維。 全文閱讀
  Fine Art Living
What are the absolute ideal decorations for homes that are tailor-made for artists? Fine Art Living, overthrowing the stereotype of living habits. full article
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